It has been forever since I have posted. I don't even want to because I have to much to catch up on. I'll just give some highlights.
~I turned 16:) I am so excited, and glad to have a car:)
~Jed has got his mission call to Taiwan Taipei and leaves on July 21st.
~Jed also got home the first week of May
~ another on Jed is that his team in nationals in their division in Basketball.
~I just got back from an amazing week at EFY and made lots of friends.
~I am almost scuba certified, and am planning for a trip in a few weeks.
~This summer is jam packed.
I have been busy lately, having just finished with school for the school year, but I only have 1 more semester left until I get my AS degree:)
got to go, but i try to keep things posted:)
The Guarani Language: Ava Ñe'e
8 years ago