Well, I think I forgot I had a blog! It has been forever since I posted. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get in!
Anyway, lots has happened since I posted last, so I guess I'll just do bullet points again!
- Big J is on his mission in Taiwan, has been for about 10 months. He is a Senior Companion, and is doing great with the language. A few weeks ago, he taught 28 lessons in a week! How awesome.
-Little S was born. She is now about 9 months old, and is mobile. She crawls everywhere, and is liking paper.
-Little J is 4, and is as cute as can be. If he wasn't so cute, I don't know what we would do with him.
-I graduated as an Honors student with my Associates degree. I finished in December so I could be 16 when I finished, then walked on May 6th, 5 days after my Birthday.
-Even though I only go to Seminary at the High School, I have managed to get a date for every dance this year.
-the horses are doing great, I just wish I can get down there more.
-I am applying to go to BYU-I in January! I am so excited. I'm pretty sure I will get accepted, I could enter as a senior! I want to major in Web Design and minor in Music.
-I have finished the 4 semesters of music theory, but I am not ready to be done, so I will find other classes like it to fill next semester.
-Trek is in 2 weeks! I am SO excited! Mom is in charge of the music, and so I have been helping get that prepared. I am also a Big Sister. all the big brothers and big sisters got a harmonica and was told to learn it for trek! I can now play most songs in G, Including transposed. I can play "Come, Come, Ye Saints" "Praise to the Man" "How Firm a Foundation" "The Spirit of God" and "I know that My Redeemer Lives" just to name a few.
Anyway, there is no way I could get a whole year in detail, but these were the highlights. I will do my best to post again soon!
The Guarani Language: Ava Ñe'e
8 years ago