It's been a while since I posted but a lot has happened.
I went to Park City skiing and had fun but after not skiing for 2 years and them skiing 10 hours I was sore the next day them as soon as we got home the next day I had 2 B-Ball games to play in and was still very sore!
Lady is doing good and is still here but still sore on her back leg. and last saterday we went and moved her correl out of the muddiest part of the lot and she liked that, and has even been feeling good enough to go on walks as often as I can go which isn't very much:(
I have been takeing this speed-reading class and we read a whole book in a few hours -not vet fast or me but that is ok.
I'll post back latter
The Guarani Language: Ava Ñe'e
8 years ago
ReplyDeleteYou are such a wonderful young lady. When I read what you wrote, I can hear you talking as you speak from your heart. Always stay as pure as you are today. I know what it is like to lose animals that I love so very much. I am sorry that you have to watch this happening to Lady. It is so frustrating when there is not much you can do to help her out. Life is a circle, birth, life, death. They are all part of Heavenly Father's plan and we do not know his timetable. I know that sometimes we pray for things and it doesn't seem like they are answered but they are answered, just not the way we want. This free agency and trusting in the Lord are sometimes hard to learn, actually most times. I know that even when we trust that He is doing the right thing, it can still be painful for us mortals. Lady knows your heart, as all animals can know you. She knows how much you love her and you just might be the one who has loved her the very most throughout her life. Maybe she didn't die a few years ago because she deserved the love you have given her and no one had loved her that much until you. Think of it that way and maybe you will feel better about it. My thoughts are with you each day as you watch Lady struggling to get by. It hurts us and most people do not understand how it feels as they have never experienced love for an animal. How sad is that? You are truly blessed to know all kinds of love, love of parents, siblings, friends, grandparents and last but not least the animals you have loved and cared for. I truly love you and I think that you know that.~Carol~