Tuesday, October 9, 2012

General Conference in Jerusalem

What a great Conference. Here in Jerusalem, the 10 AM session in Utah started at 6 PM in Jerusalem, and the 2 PM session started at 10 PM. So we did get to see it, it was just through the night instead of through the day.

The whole thing was supper great, but the best was the announcement moving times for missionaries leaving up. They movied Young Men from 19 to leaving at 18, or when they graduate from High school and are ready. Young Women moved from 21, to 19. I am so excited.

When President Monson was talking, I was so excited leading up to it, and then when he said “19” I was so shocked, I have no Idea what else he said. All I know it that I am serving a mission. I am so excited, and will put my papers in as soon as I can. I turn 19 in May, so I can put in my papers in January.

It is amazing how much of my life makes sense now. I have had tons of opportunities that although I have taken them, I haven’t really understood why I needed them at that time. A big one is being here in Jerusalem. I knew that I was supposed to come, and everything worked out to well to not come, but now I know that it was another step in preparing me to serve a Mission. I am so grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who knows where I am, and what I need to make my life the best experience possible. That doesn’t always mean that it is easy, but it is worth it, and every part helps me grow and learn and be that much closer to returning to live with Him.

One of the many witnesses that I had that I was to serve was that night I opened my Book of Mormon, - which because I have been reading my Old Testament I haven’t read as much as I should – and it opened up to Mosiah chapter 28, which is where the Sons of Mosiah are begging their dad to let them go on a mission. Verse 3 really stuck out to me, which says “Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any Human soul should perish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble.” I am so grateful for the chance that I am going to have to serve a mission. I still can’t believe that it is happening, and it is still a few months out before I can even submit my papers, but I am so excited to go!

I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints is the true church here on earth. I know that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ that spring day in 1820, and that just like he got his answer, The Lord hears and answers my prayers as well. I know that the Atonement is real, and that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer, and because of what He did in the Garden of Gethsemane, and on the Cross, I can be forgiven and return to like with Him one day. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, that it is the word of God to our day, and that we have Later-day Prophets who lead and guide His church today. I am so grateful to know that I can receive personal revelation for me, and that Through the Prophet, we can receive God’s word to us today. I love my Savior, and I know that He knows where I am, and what I need. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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