I only have 2 More Things Left for Personal Progress!!! (after I finish this journal Page)
I went to the play "Big River". It was really good. They used to same language that was used back then and that means that it had some swearing but other than that it was good. I have 2 friends that was in this play acting as the Slaves and i just think that that is really cool and also think that it would be really had considering that they are black.
here are some things about the Play and the Thirteenth article of faith:
Honest: Huck Finn wasn't very Honest, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the Bad, He lied to get away from his Dad who was going to kill him, But he also lied to get money.
True: Huck Finn is true all the time to his friend Jim, He Free's him, Claims him as his so that he won't be taken as a runaway and much more.
... You know the story.
I will Post again about this week in a minute
The Guarani Language: Ava Ñe'e
8 years ago