Hi, Well I have so many thing on my mind right now, I am thinking about my horse Lady who is not doing good wondering how long she is going to hang on, I am hoping that I can get hay for the lest amount of money, and wondering if I am supposed to buy this horse that Carol, my friend has been taking care of for this guy named Wally who just died and his wife says to sell her for what ever she can get out of her. I have been working on my high school classes that I am taking from BYU independent study. My Mom has got us signed up for a class that certifies you to teach the 7 habits for highly effective teens class. I need to write some things for my personal progress requirements and so here they are:
Faith #4: I love the Savior and I know that he loves me, I am grateful that he took upon us our sins so that we can repent and live with him again, I love him, I hope that i can return to live with him again. At the last supper that Savior took the bread and broke it and blessed it and said unto his apostles eat in remembrance of my body. every time that I take the sacrament I renew my baptismal covenants, I am grateful for that opportunity.
Faith #7: Tithing is also very important, We listened to a talk by Mary Cook and she talked about how it's not about how much tithing that you pay but that it's how much faith you put with it, i think that when we don;t pay tithing we are not only robbing God but we are also robbing ourselves, because when we pay tithing we receive blessings and love from our heavenly father.
I think that we are all ably to chose what we do in life but not our consequences.
Liesl Harr
The Guarani Language: Ava Ñe'e
8 years ago
Wow, Liesl, Thanks for great faith. Reading your blog is like having a talk to your heart. I see from your Mom's blog you again are a great scouter. Thanks for being such an important part of everything that goies on in your family. You get your Mom for three days-Wow what a treat. enjoy California and the 7 habits.