I almost have my Personal progress!!!
I am about 3 experiences away from it. but I have 4 journal entries that my Mom told me to post on my blog so here they are:
Faith #1:
I have developed a habit of personal prayer in my life. I have found that when I don’t say my prayers I will either have a bad night or an off day. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and that all I have to do is pray and I will have help when I need it. He is always there and He loves me I know that He will help me when I need Him to and that He will always be there for me.
Good works #5:
My little brother Jakob takes a lot of taking care of sometimes. He is always into something. I love him so much and am grateful that I have had the chance to serve him for a while. I hope that I can always have the blessing of service in my life. I grateful to my parents that have helped me develop that habit. I Love you Jakob. I love it when you get that cute smile with dimples. I love it when you come running, and just want a hug. We all need hugs in this life, and I am grateful to get lots from you. Please always remember that I love you. I am grateful to get hugs from you! Someday you will be grown up, and a hug may become an awkward thing to share, but I will always remember the hugs we have shared as you have grown up. Somedays when I am just having a bad day, you are an angel to me, and hug me, and remind me that someone loves me. Thank you for loving me! I love you too, and I will forever! It must be how our Heavenly Father feels about each of us. I can’t imagine hugging him, but if it is as peaceful and comforting as hugging a darling little one like you Jakob, then I can’t wait to hug Him again! I love you Heavenly Father & Heavenly Mother! Thanks for sending me a little brother to teach me about Love!
Integrity #2 & 4
Integrity is defined as: The entire unimpaired state of anything particularly of the mind. Moral soundness or purity; Incorruptness, up rightfulness honesty, Integrity comprehends the whole moral character, but has a special reference to the uprightness in mutual dealings. Purity, genuine, unadulterated, unimpaired state.
I am grateful to have integrity in my life. I know that it is a lot easier to get things if people know that they can trust you. I am grateful that I have earned my parents trust and hope that I can always have that trust throughout my life. I know that if I have impeccable integrity that I will have more friends, a better relationship with my family, and others. I am grateful for that blessing in my life. One example of integrity in my life is my Dad. When he promises something, he always does his very best to come through with his promise. I know that I can trust what he tells me as the truth. I know that if he says we are going someplace, or that something will be done, he will do his very best to make it so.
Integrity #5
“Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life”
This is a great scripture. I believe there are two things that we have to do to be redeemed of God outlined in this scripture. The first is to serve – to mourn with those that mourn, and comfort those that stand in need. Jesus said that the first and great commandment is to Love your Neighbor as yourself. When I do something nice for someone else I feel good inside. It doesn’t always have to be a big thing, even something as simple as sharing vegetables with others brings a smile to my face. Sometimes serving others requires personal sacrifice. Then it is harder to give, like the time it took for me to make the quilt and donate it to Primary Children’s Hospital. It is a really cute quilt. I stayed up several nights really late getting it done. Even my Grandma doesn’t want me to give it away, but I know that I will feel really good giving it away. I look forward to taking it to Primary Children’s Hospital to deliver it to someone who needs a hug. I hope they know it is a hug coming from a Heavenly Father & Mother who love them!
The second part is standing as a witness of God at all times and in all things, and in all places. I have had some pressure to do horseshows on Monday night. I know that I will be blessed because I have chosen to follow the Lord’s counsel and not participate in activities on Monday nights. I am grateful for the prophet and the counsel that he gives. I know that by following the counsel that I am keeping my promise with the Lord, and striving to stand as a witness of Him. When I am willing to keep my promise, then He will keep His as he promises in D&C 82:10: “I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say, but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise.” I am grateful to know of promises like this from my Heavenly Father. I can trust Him. I know His promises are sure!
I know that the church is true and that I have a heavenly father who loves me. i Know that I have a divine porpuse on this earth and that I can live with him again someday. I know that Joeseph smith is a true prophet.
The Guarani Language: Ava Ñe'e
8 years ago
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